Rant: Bombs Not Food

By: Christopher Shoust

May the destitute of the world cry out in great thankfulness and gratitude when we send our food and not our bombs?

Picture a poor crying baby laying beside its dead mother and starving brothers and sisters. My god, quick send all your food and start writing those checks, because these people are dying! C’mon, it will give you that warm feeling inside... PRO-LIFE HUMANISTS UNITE . . . YEAH RIGHT!

These charities are like mass armies of deaf, three-legged, cycloptic dogs, running the marathon of hope while kicking themselves in the ass. What these armies of mutants don’t realize is that they are doing more damage than they think. Sending foreign aid in the form of food is similar to giving a country a ticket to the downward spiral of economic depression.

Imagine a farmer. This farmer grows crops to sell to his neighbor. All of a sudden, one day, that neighbor finds food on his doorstep. Now the farmer has no market and is left penniless. During this time, the farmer can only live off what he grows. What if he only grows wheat. . .and what if he has an entire family to support. . . and what if the neighbor works at a refinery that relies on that farmer’s wheat.

In India, approximately eighty percent of the country’s population believes in the organized religion of Hinduism. Within this religion, the cow is seen as the “giver of life.” They represent the highest form of energy in this world and the world beyond. Cows also represent great sacrifice. Besides their constant hunger and thirst, they give milk and meat, from which many other foods can be produced.

When foreign aid is sent to India in the form of meat, it is disrespectful and it is thrown away.

During the past twenty years, foreign aid to Sri Lanka has been used to increase its military standpoint. This is because Sri Lanka has been waging war against the people of Tamil Eelam. THIS WAR HAS AND STILL IS BEING FUNDED BY OTHER COUNTRIES, MAYBE EVEN YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY! Inevitably, Sri Lanka's economy is structurally dependent on this foreign aid. Sri Lanka has rejected foreign offers of peacekeeping troops to resolve the conflict. They claim that the conflict is an internal affair, and still seeks aid from the very same foreign sources that have already furnished its military expenditure. Since 1977, Sri Lanka's defense spending has increased by 800 percent. Spending rose from 750 million to 6 billion rupees. On November 5, 1998, Sri Lanka announced even more allocation for military expenditure for 1999. The estimated cost was 47 billion rupees.

Lets face it . . . obviously countries are sending a lot more aid in the form of bombs than food. Look at how fast Canada sent fighter jets to Kosovo before they would send fresh water. Think of it . . . all those bombs with the Canadian flag on them . . . falling through the sky, THINK OF THE ADVERTISING!

People will usually support a cause if it sounds right and if it makes them look good. In this case, the only way to help a country out is to just leave them alone . . . LET THEM DEAL WITH THEIR OWN PROBLEMS.

So if I say “BOMBS NOT FOOD,” does that make me a fascist or a capitalist???

hARMISNTUS Productions 2000
